Hungkuo Delin University of Technology

In February of 2005, in order to meet the national education policy of the time, to cultivate industrial specialists with both academic and moral integrity, and to achieve the goal of industrialization and national economic development, Mr. WAN Shao-chang, a pioneer in the education field, initiated the planning and selection of Ching-Hua-Li, Tucheng Township, Taipei County, as the base for the establishment of the school, and the school was properly planned and approved by the Ministry of Education for the establishment of the school in August of 2007, and the board of trustees was established in May of 2005, and Mr. LEE Ching-Te was selected as the first chairman of the board of trustees, and the registration as a consortium was completed in January of 2006, when it was approved for establishment. The board of directors was established in May of 2008 and elected Mr. Lee King Tak as the first chairman of the board of directors and completed the registration of the consortium; the school was approved to be registered in January of 2006 and enrolled in the first semester of that school year, and Mr. Wu Guangya was hired as the first principal of the school. After four years of operation, the school was in a difficult situation, and enrollment in all subjects was suspended. In June 2005, the board of trustees re-elected Mr. Ding Younian as the second chairman of the board of trustees, and Mr. Hu Hanchuan was appointed as the second president of the school, in the hope that the school could strive for a revitalization. This was the "founding period" of the school.

In February of 2007, Mr. Lin Yuqi, Chairman of Hongguo Guo-Related Business, and his wife, Mrs. Lin Xiehanmian, together with entrepreneurs of Hongjie Related Enterprises, such as Xie Chuntian, Xie Longsheng, Xie Jinwang, and Xie Jinzhao, in view of the "Education for a Better Nation" and the responsibility to the society, resolutely donated funds to take over the operation, and were authorized to reorganize the third board of directors ahead of time, electing Mr. Xie Chuntian as the third chairman of board of directors, and urgently employing Mr. Chen Zenghu as the third president of the school, and setting up a five-year whole construction plan. A five-year renovation plan was drawn up, creating a new opportunity for the "revitalization of the four seas". This was the "Reconstruction Period" of our school.

With the full support of the Board of Trustees, the construction of major facilities, such as a department and a library, student dormitories, and a joint cafeteria, was completed on schedule. In view of the development of the information industry, a computer center has been added to enrich teaching and learning.

Following the resignation of President Chen in 1971, the Board of Trustees re-elected Mrs. Lin Hsieh Hammond as the fourth president and appointed Mr. Hsieh Lung Shing as the fourth principal. The second phase of the five-year school building project was launched, with the construction of sports fields, chemistry labs, and language classrooms, as well as the complete greening of the campus.

In 1972, the two-year evening department was established, and the school's hardware and software facilities were already in full swing. In that year, the school entered into an alliance with Kyungpook National University of Technology as a sister school. The following year, the University of Pittsburgh entered into an academic cooperation and exchange agreement with the University of Pittsburgh in the U.S.A. In April of 1979, approval was given to establish a two-year daytime department. At the end of 1980, Mr. Xie resigned from his position as President of the University in order to focus on national affairs as he took over important national positions and was engaged in constitutional reform.

In October of 1980, the former president of the Cultural University, Mr. Cheng Jiawu, was invited to take over as the fifth president, and in the same year, the name of the school was approved to be changed to "Four Seas College of Commerce and Industry" and the daytime department of the second tertiary business department was set up; in March of '82, the Ministry of Education rated it as an excellent school with the fastest progress, and in June, President Cheng Jiawu resigned, and Mr. Yu Kingbusbus was recruited to be the sixth president; and in '85, the evening department of the second tertiary business department was added, and the grand gymnasium and the magnificent commercial building were also opened. The magnificent Gymnasium and the beautifully designed Business Building were also completed and opened.


90年由本校土木工程系張裕民博士接任改制后首任校長,在董事長大力支持下,持續充實各項教學設備。91年3月,堉琪樓落成,提供更便捷的行政服務;通識教育中心、3D 數位設計中心、數位金融中心、高速上網中心、國際會議廳、餐旅實習教室等教學中心相繼啟用,為學校開展了新的景象與契機。在國際合作方面,先後與蒙大拿州立大學、蒙大拿大學、印第安那大學、明尼蘇達州立大學、肯塔基州立大學、巴特勒大學、澳洲墨爾本大學、沙隆學院、中國東北電力學院、北京首都體育學院、大連輕工業技術學院、坎培拉大學等各校簽訂交流合作關係。學院部再增設國際貿易系及財務金融系,擴充為五個學系。






97年9月,公開向各界徵選校長,由校長遴選委員會選定,經董事會通過,自98年2月起由中臺科技大學校長陳富都博士接任本校改制後第三任校長。 陳校長揭示「評鑑一等、邁向科大、追求卓越」為校務發展目標,致力科大改制作業。









In August 109, the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) and the Office of International Affairs (OIA) were created by the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Zunwei Zhang.

In February, 110, an open call was made to all sectors for the selection of a president. The Presidential Search Committee selected and the Board of Directors approved Dr. Ching-Shui Lo, the former Director of Youth Development of the Ministry of Education, to be the second president of the University after its renaming to HKUST, with the philosophy of "service instead of leadership, planning instead of authority, and system to build up sustainability", and the development vision of "cultivating professional, technical, and entrepreneurial talents with professional and civic qualities", and "pragmatic and visionary" as the goal. With the vision of development and the goal of being "pragmatic and far-reaching," the university has started from the local level, deeply cultivated Taiwan, and expanded into the Asia-Pacific region, leading all the colleagues in the university to develop in a sustainable manner. At the same time, the school has continued to build unique teaching areas, and has completed the "Four Seas Club" internship hotel, which includes an IFT internship restaurant, a banquet hall, a leisure and sports area, a live marketing room, a multinational culture room, a large-scale conference and exhibition, and internship guest rooms, so that all teachers and students can fully integrate theory and practice.

The Day and Continuing Education Departments of the University now offer five-technical, two-technical, two-technical, four-technical, and postgraduate programs, as well as industry-academia cooperative courses. In terms of departments, there are College of Engineering: Department of Mechanical Engineering (Section), Department of Information Engineering (Section), Department of Computer and Communication Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering (Section), Department of Creative Product Design; College of Real Estate: Department of Business Administration (Section), Department of Real Estate Management (Section), Department of Civil Engineering (Section), Department of Interior Design, Department of Horticulture, Department of Architecture; College of Food and Tourism: Department of Food and Tourism Management (Section), Department of Food and Catering (Section), Department of Leisure and Hospitality Management (Section), Department of Convention and Exhibition Management (Section), and College of Tourism Management (Section), Department of Cuisine (Section), and College of Tourism Management (Section), Department of Leisure and Hospitality Management (Section). School of Hospitality: Department of Hospitality Management (Section), Department of Food and Beverage Culinary Arts (Section), Department of Leisure Industry Management (Section), Department of Convention and Exhibition Management (Section), Department of Applied English (Applied Foreign Languages), etc., totaling 15 departments (sections) in 3 colleges.

Education is an important mission for the inheritance of human civilization and the social development of the country. How to enable students to develop their potentials and make the country more competitive are the beliefs and goals that our school insists on and strives to achieve. We have been cultivating this field of infinite possibilities with a steady and practical pace, as if we were walking on thin ice, in order to cultivate talents of the new century with a "scientific and technological brain," "humanistic heart," "Taiwanese sentiment," and "global outlook!

Source of information

Hungkuo Delin University of Technology