About Clams

Global Clams

There are many different types of clams around the world, with about 100 known species distributed in oceans and freshwater around the world.

Clams can be categorized into the following groups based on their morphological characteristics:

  • **Common clams:** These clams are more diverse and widely distributed, and are commonly found in coastal areas. Examples include Meretrix lusoria, Meretrix lamarckii, Meretrix lyrata, Meretrix meretrix, and Meretrix petechialis.
  • **Rare clams:** These clams are relatively few in number, have a small distribution range, and some are even endangered. Examples include the white-edged clam (Meretrix casta), the black-edged clam (Meretrix nigriceps), the wrinkled clam (Meretrix rugosa), and the little clam (Meretrix sinensis).
  • **Freshwater clams:** These clams live in freshwater and are found in freshwater waters such as rivers and lakes around the world. Examples include the freshwater clam (Corbicula fluminea), the eastern wind snail (Unio pictorum), and the crayfish (Procambarus clarkii).

Taiwan Common Clams


In Taiwan, there are five species of clams in the genus Clamus:

  • 韓國文蛤(Meretrix lamarckii)
  • 文蛤(Meretrix lusoria)
  • 皺肋文蛤(Meretrix lyrata)
  • 臺灣文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)
  • 中華文蛤(Meretrix petechialis)

其中,文蛤(Meretrix lusoria)是台灣最常見的文蛤種類,也是台灣養殖文蛤的主力品種。文蛤的形狀為卵圓形,殼長約3-4公分,殼色呈褐色或灰色,殼內面呈白色。



Meretrix lyrata


The value of clams:

  • **Edible value:** Clam meat is delicious and nutritious, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Clams can be boiled in soup, fried, pan-fried, etc., is a favorite seafood dishes.
  • **Economic Value:** Clams are an important aquaculture species and are widely cultured around the world. The clam aquaculture industry has a considerable output value and provides an important economic source for many countries and regions.
  • **Ecological value:** Clams are important marine organisms that purify water, consume silt and provide food for other marine organisms. Clam farming can promote the healthy development of marine ecosystems.

Food value of clams:

  • **蛋白質含量高:**文蛤的蛋白質含量約為10%,是優質的蛋白質來源。
  • **脂肪含量低:**文蛤的脂肪含量約為1.2%,是低脂肪的食物。
  • **含有豐富的微量元素:**文蛤富含鈣、鐵、鋅、硒等微量元素,有助於人體健康。


  • **養殖產量高:**文蛤是生長速度快、養殖周期短的貝類,養殖產量高。
  • **市場需求量大:**文蛤是受歡迎的海鮮佳餚,市場需求量大。


  • **淨化水質:**文蛤可以過濾水中的浮游生物、懸浮物等,淨化水質。
  • **消耗淤泥:**文蛤可以吸食淤泥,促進淤泥的循環利用。
  • **為其他海洋生物提供食物:**文蛤是其他海洋生物的食物來源,有助於維持海洋生態系統的平衡。
